This application connects multiple levels of Air Force Public Health and Civilian personnel and their families currently working in our specialty and those that are interested in our specialty by offering additional communication methods while on the go, both online and offline. This app will help our personnel stay informed while performing the mission through access to essential information without needing to search multiple media outlets from a desktop computer. Additionally, this technology provides a great way for senior Public Health personnel to communicate directly with the Career Field in a timely manner. The app also allows users to pre-download documents so that they are available in both online and offline mode, allowing medics to have access to critical information even when cellular and WiFi service is unavailable. And, the app will automatically detect when downloaded content has been updated and will re-download and replace outdated versions.
About 43H/4E0X1 (Public Health)
Manages and performs public health activities and programs in support of the Aerospace and Operational Medicine Enterprise. There are two major divisions within Public Health: Community Health Management and Force Health Management. Community Health Management encompasses communicable disease control and prevention, food safety and defense, medical entomology, facility sanitation, and public health contingency response. Force Health Management encompasses areas such as medical deployment clearance processing and administrative oversight of occupational health examinations (including performing audiograms).